... reinlesen

US - Audio - CD

Harry Potter and
the goblet of fire

von Joanne K. Rowling

Joanne K. Rowling:

das erste Buch

Der Stein der Weisen

das zweite Buch

Harry Potter und der
Kammer des Schreckens

das dritte Buch

Harry Potter und der
Gefangene von Askaban

das vierte Buch

Harry Potter und der

das fünfte Buch

Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix

das sechste Buch

Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter auf CD


© 2002

Endlich -
Harry Potter auf CD

Harry Potter und
der Stein der Weisen

9 CDs für click €

Harry Potter und
die Kammer des Schreckens

10 CDs für click €

Harry Potter und
der Gefangene von Askaban

11 CDs für click €

Harry Potter und
der Feuerkelch

20 CDs für click €


von Harry Potter

Der Schülerkalender 2001/2002

Ausgabe in grün

Tagebuch in rot

geheimes Tagebuch

Magisches Tagebuch grün

lustig auf dem Tisch
Magische Klappwürfel
mit Harry Potter-Motiven

The Goblet of Fire
Joanne K. Rowling - The Goblet of Fire

Nun - wer schon ein wenig besser Englisch kann und nicht mehr warten will, der sollte sich an das Original heranwagen.
Ein Wahnsinns-Schmöker, aber die meisten haben ja jetzt Urlaub oder Sommerferien - nur Mut!

Prüft an der unten stehenden ... reinlesen von der ersten Seite selbst, ob eure Kenntnisse reichen.

Die ersten 300 Leserzuschriften bei Amazon sind auf jeden Fall begeisternd:

Sophia Leung aus Ca USA , 11. Juli 2000
The Best out of all of them!
All i have to say is wow! ( well not all I have to say but most of it) I have been waiting for this book for a long time and finally on suday july 9 i got it! it was the most horrible thing i did to get this book but i won't tell cause it's just mean! and no i did not steal it! well not really! but yeah this book does not seem like a childrens book at all. there are a lot of deep things in this book, that the other book did not even touch! i'm just amazed by the book. She draws you in and you actually feel what Harry is going though it's really great! But i do advise that you read all of the books before you read this one. cause then you will just get a better understanding of it! NOW i'm waiting till the NEXT book will come out! i really want to know what happens! ps i just finished this book! took me about 1 1/2 days! not straight though!

Also - los geht´s - immerhin haben über 300000 Leute in den ersten Tagen seit dem 8.7.2000 bei amazon das Original bestellt und am Montag bereits im Postkasten gehabt. Lesealter ab 9 Jahren

Joanne K. Rowling - The Goblet of Fire
Joanne K. Rowling - The Goblet of Fire
2000, Arthur A. Levine Books, N.Y., 734 pages, ca. 15-20 US-$

Die erste Seite ...

The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it ''the Riddle House,'' even though it had been many years since the RiddIe family had lived there. It stood on a hill overlooking the village,some of its windows boarded, tiles missing from its roof, and ivy spreading unchecked over its face. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the RiddIe House was now damp, directly, and unoccupied.

The Little Hangletons all agreed chat the old house was "creepy."

HaIf a century ago, something strange and horrible had happened there, something char the older inhabitants of the village still liked to discuss when topics for gossip were scarce. The story had been picked over so many times, and had been embroidered in so many places, that nobody was quite sure what the truth was anymore. Event version of the tale, however, started in the same place: Fifty years before, at daybreak on a fIne summer's morning, when the Riddle House had still been well kept and impressive, a maid had entered the drawing room to find all three Riddles dead.

The maid had run screaming down the hill into the village and roused as many people she could. -1-
Lesezitat nach Joanne K. Rowling - The Goblet of Fire

Potter - DVD



...Harry Potter
und der Stein der Weisen...
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auf DVD

... und für alle GROSSEN, die keine Zeit haben den Harry Potter zu lesen - es gibt ihn schon seit langem als wirklich sehr gute Audiobook-Version auf 6 Musik-Cassetten ... den Stein der Weisen ... ewig spannend .... und selbstverständlich Band 2, 3 und 4 auch - das pure Hörvergnügen

Potter - Audiobooks auf Cassette

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und der Stein der Weisen...
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...Harry Potter
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...Harry Potter
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Computer Spiel
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und der Feuerkelch 1


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1 MC-Cassette

15.50 €

...Harry Potter
und der Feuerkelch 2


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1 MC-Cassette

15.50 €

...Harry Potter
und der Feuerkelch 3


15.50 €

1 MC-Cassette

15.50 €

...Harry Potter
und der Feuerkelch 4


15.50 €

© by Manuela Haselberger
rezensiert am 12.7.2000

Quelle: http://www.bookinist.de
layout © Thomas Haselberger